How to visually hide a folder?
Before we start, can you find where is the hidden folder from this desktop wallpaper?
If you wish to perform something similar, follow the steps below.
Step 1: create a new folder in windows 10.
Step 2: Use empty space as file name.
We will use ALT codes for windows for the empty space, which is ALT+0160.
- Delete the existing name of the file
- Press and hold ALT key
- from right-side of keyboard, key in numeric 0160
- Then release the ALT key, you will notice a empty space is injected
Step 3: Download transparent icon in .ico
Download link here, choose “All download formats”, download .ico file.
Step 4: Replace the icon to the transparent one.
File > right click > properties > customize > change icon > browse
- we will choose the transparent icon we download
- now the folder looks transparent with a small dot on it