how to root your bluestack emulator (working in 2023)

Nov 1, 2023


Lab environment: Windows host machine

Step 1: download bluestacks version 5 from here.

Step 2: open Bluestacks Multi-Instance Manager, take note of your emulator name.

Step 3: close the emulator if you open it.

Step 4: edit the conf file via notepad.

Step 5: search for “bst.feature.rooting=”, change the value from 0 to 1.

Step 6: search for your emulator name, scroll down to look for “enable_root_access=”, change the value from 0 to 1.

Step 6: open emulator, download “root checker basic” from Google Play Store, we can check if we have root access or not via this app.

  • We obtained root access in bluestacks.




Written by 0xLeeBai

手握日月摘星辰,世间无我这般人。 不错!我就是美貌与智慧并重,英雄与侠义的化身:李白

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